
Welcome to the Banned Books List

Want to avoid getting banned/challenged?

- You can't have any mention of cannibalism.
- Your book can't mention any body parts.
- You can't talk about religion.
- You can't have any mention of sex.
- You can't talk about sexuality.
- You can't talk about gender unless it is cis and not crime investigation kind either.
- You can't talk about sexual orientation.
- You can't talk about class or classism.
- You can't swear, including the word "damn."
- You can't talk about child abuse.
- You can't mention any drugs, including alcohol, especially with teenagers drinking it.
- You can't take the Lord's name in vain.
- You can't have it be morally corrupt.
- No characters may ever die once.
-- No dead parents.
-- You may not mention anyone dead or dying.
-- No young infants dying.
- Children can't do violence, especially to adults or to each other. Especially school violence.
- And by all means it can't be "icky." "gross" or "scary"
- No talk or showing of nudity.
- No talking about over eating/bad eating habits.
- It can't be a "Downer"
- No children defying authority figures.
- You, the author, can't be (which is a new "feature" of book banning):

And no, this is not the whole list, these are just the ones that are likely with the book I'm planning. So, yeah, this is gonna be fun.

There was really no point to this other than that. NaNo is coming.

I'm going to put a proper post together later but for right now, I think I'm just going to read, do a couple RP replies, and hope this headache goes away.


So this was kind of a pick-me-up.

Some background on this chat which made me happy: I wrote an Outlast fic when I was wanting to gut someone the other night. It was about our poor, brave reporter being cornered by The Twins and getting his tongue cut out. It has 18 notes as of this writing so I guess I'm not the only sick bunny out there ^w^ [Some of the tags added in reblogs include 'loud yelling', 'inspiration' and (possibly the one that made me smile the most) 'art'.]

Friend 1: Alright. Whoever made that Tongue fic needs a handshake but also a punch in the nose i am literally crying
Friend 2: i know holy shit
Friend 4: it was rabbit
Friend 1: Sobbing
Friend 4: :'DD
Friend 1: CURLS UP
Friend 1: SCREAMS
Friend 2: well now I gotta go read it
Friend 3: ur heart will die
Friend 3: i csn t even type
Friend 2: they said that about Supernatural and I sat throguh that shit like a man
Friend 1: my heart was already dead. but it came back to life
Friend 1: and then stabbed it again
Friend 2: ok yeah that was intense yo
Friend 1: Im crying
Friend 1: I was shaking when i was driving home
German Artist Friend: rabbit is awesome. this one made me feel very sick :'D
Friend 4: how do writing

So, yeah, I'm a little happy.

Also, I got my hair cut:

(and it's super-cute - I look like me ^^) and my Algebra wasn't... as bad as it could have been. I need time more than anything. It's just not something that I can just sit down and study for hours on end - I start getting tense and stabby.

So, time. Bite-sized pieces. It's a lot easier to break down a difficult concept then to try to swallow everything whole.


Basically, I just need to get it though my head that 'One day at a time' means just that. That and the fact that I apparently have some measure of talent in several areas. The idea of that is still weird to me though...

Working on it.

I think the phrase for the next little while is going to be 'Working on it'.

Wish me books and sleep, everyone. I feel like I'm going to need them.


Ignore This

For the record, large and uncaring universe, I am torn between simply saying 'No, okay? I'm putting my foot down. I refuse to waste another minute going along learning something I despise and ultimately have no use for just a degree I barely want.' and just keeping my head down and wrecking my sleep schedule to study because it does not matter if I'm tired or if I get sick from it - I'm not allowed to fail. I refuse to allow myself to fail.

And those two sides are at each other's throats right now and, honestly? I don't know what to do so I'm just sitting in the dark and... thinking right now. I need to write. I can't leave my emotions where they are - that never ends well.

So. A couple quarters of drug-out hell or an intense period of feeling like an utter disappointment - like someone who's too unstable and flighty even to handle a college class?



Very good day ^w^

First off, my friends are amazing. I knew Outlast was a good thing when I saw it and I was right and it's been awesome ^^ I'm in a Skype group chat thing and I have RP blogs (That people actually notice) and I get to talk to friends and watch livestreams of movies and people drawing fanart and just wow LOVE

Pretty much everyone wished me happy birthday too and I felt really loved.

I'm 21. And I'm going to have to get used to the fact that I am, legally, an adult - even though I don't feel like one and probably never really will.

Also, I have things:

This is probably going to be very heavy and very interesting and I'm half-looking forward to and half-dreading reading it. It came sealed up in plastic wrap (I haven't opened it yet) and that always makes me nervous. But yeah, that's pretty awesome.

Everyone in the WriMo community knows exactly what this thing is. This thing is the bane of my existence pretty much every year, throughout the month of August.

Yep. It's that time of year again.

This one is an anniversary edition so it's like hella big. So many good authors in this one though, I swear.

This is the Plague. The Plague is adorable. Love The Plague.

And the Bookworm <3 CUTE

Everything here is just awesome okay?

Oh, yeah... there was one more thing:

Yeah. This is gonna be bad for my sleep schedule, I'm pretty sure. I don't necessarily care though. It's a really fun game ^^

I'm about to fall on my face because it's just after 2 a.m. here so... please forgive any typos and bye for now, everyone <3 I'd say I'll try to update a little more consistently in the future but we all know that that's a lie so... I'll see you when I see you, basically. Have an awesome day~


So some people are awesome

The Outlast fandom. Yes, the tag has a tendency to make me rage but the RPers are pretty much gold. I wound up with a Miles blog (still sort of finding my footing there) and a Trager blog (pretty much like breathing, which made me nervous until I remembered that I was a writer) and it's been insanely fun. So that's awesome. It keeps me writing more consistently too and that's a very good thing.

I have some threads to reply to so I'll probably go and do that pretty soon. 'A new man came into town today' and 'Doctor's Practice' mainly. There's also a 'Silky' RPer, who I just found yesterday~ (It's sort of a fan-nickname for a character in a gag, blindfold, and straitjacket who follows Miles around for a little while and rambles things like 'Silky... you look so silky', 'I need to tell you a secret', and 'Are you my friend?')

I have some shows to watch and a book to finish reading too.

On an almost completely unrelated note:

My eyesight is terrible. Like really terrible. 20/20 is considered really good and that means that if you and someone else stand 20 ft. away from something, you both see it the same way. 20/30 means that you see at 20 ft. what they see at 30 ft. The higher that second number is, the worse your vision is. That scale goes all the way up to 20/800.

I am off that scale. My vision is worse than 20/800. I'm like 20/Movement and Fingers. So that means LASIK is out because it wouldn't give me enough of a correction without shearing off nearly all of the tissue in my cornea, which just isn't safe. So I'm looking into some other options.

Oh and someone from the NaNo forums [in fact, this lovely person here] made me a cover:

Isn't it cool?

Well, I kind of love it anyway. Not zoned for commercial use, sadly (because I totally would) but yeah, really awesome <3 And it gives me an idea of what I should probably try to do with the final version of the official cover.

So that's where all that is.

For now, I need to go do my replies and junk like that, and then maybe sit down and plan for NaNo a little bit. I usually don't but this year it's one of those books that I think would benefit from at least a somewhat stable outline.

Bye for now, everyone. I'll try to check in again soon~



'im drunk and i send you smooches and postatgingie tomorrowww and im happyy okay bye kisses' - sent by a relatively new friend of mine.

It's a little sad but do you know what my first thought was? "Aw, you thought of me when you were drunk <3".

But no, yeah, there is a point to this post. And that point is as follows:


About a month away.

So here is a list of everything that I need to get done before then (not including schoolwork)
  • 11 Outlast fics / 1 FAKE fic
  • Outline/plan for NaNo project (seriously, this one is wordy and character-heavy; don't think you can wing this one)
  • Work on Other Book - because you need to. It's interesting and it's been sitting around for way too long. You also need to finish/edit the first one.
  • Pretty much the same goes for The Book.
  • In fact, plan and outline for EVERYTHING.
  • Finish reading letters to a young activist (at least)
  • Watch your shows in your spare time (assuming that you have spare time)
  • Also? Finish your crochet intestine scarf thing.
So yeah. A lot of writing and general work will need to take place.

Here's hoping that my anxiety and general mental health don't decide to make things needlessly difficult for me.