
So some people are awesome

The Outlast fandom. Yes, the tag has a tendency to make me rage but the RPers are pretty much gold. I wound up with a Miles blog (still sort of finding my footing there) and a Trager blog (pretty much like breathing, which made me nervous until I remembered that I was a writer) and it's been insanely fun. So that's awesome. It keeps me writing more consistently too and that's a very good thing.

I have some threads to reply to so I'll probably go and do that pretty soon. 'A new man came into town today' and 'Doctor's Practice' mainly. There's also a 'Silky' RPer, who I just found yesterday~ (It's sort of a fan-nickname for a character in a gag, blindfold, and straitjacket who follows Miles around for a little while and rambles things like 'Silky... you look so silky', 'I need to tell you a secret', and 'Are you my friend?')

I have some shows to watch and a book to finish reading too.

On an almost completely unrelated note:

My eyesight is terrible. Like really terrible. 20/20 is considered really good and that means that if you and someone else stand 20 ft. away from something, you both see it the same way. 20/30 means that you see at 20 ft. what they see at 30 ft. The higher that second number is, the worse your vision is. That scale goes all the way up to 20/800.

I am off that scale. My vision is worse than 20/800. I'm like 20/Movement and Fingers. So that means LASIK is out because it wouldn't give me enough of a correction without shearing off nearly all of the tissue in my cornea, which just isn't safe. So I'm looking into some other options.

Oh and someone from the NaNo forums [in fact, this lovely person here] made me a cover:

Isn't it cool?

Well, I kind of love it anyway. Not zoned for commercial use, sadly (because I totally would) but yeah, really awesome <3 And it gives me an idea of what I should probably try to do with the final version of the official cover.

So that's where all that is.

For now, I need to go do my replies and junk like that, and then maybe sit down and plan for NaNo a little bit. I usually don't but this year it's one of those books that I think would benefit from at least a somewhat stable outline.

Bye for now, everyone. I'll try to check in again soon~