
Welcome to the Banned Books List

Want to avoid getting banned/challenged?

- You can't have any mention of cannibalism.
- Your book can't mention any body parts.
- You can't talk about religion.
- You can't have any mention of sex.
- You can't talk about sexuality.
- You can't talk about gender unless it is cis and not crime investigation kind either.
- You can't talk about sexual orientation.
- You can't talk about class or classism.
- You can't swear, including the word "damn."
- You can't talk about child abuse.
- You can't mention any drugs, including alcohol, especially with teenagers drinking it.
- You can't take the Lord's name in vain.
- You can't have it be morally corrupt.
- No characters may ever die once.
-- No dead parents.
-- You may not mention anyone dead or dying.
-- No young infants dying.
- Children can't do violence, especially to adults or to each other. Especially school violence.
- And by all means it can't be "icky." "gross" or "scary"
- No talk or showing of nudity.
- No talking about over eating/bad eating habits.
- It can't be a "Downer"
- No children defying authority figures.
- You, the author, can't be (which is a new "feature" of book banning):

And no, this is not the whole list, these are just the ones that are likely with the book I'm planning. So, yeah, this is gonna be fun.

There was really no point to this other than that. NaNo is coming.

I'm going to put a proper post together later but for right now, I think I'm just going to read, do a couple RP replies, and hope this headache goes away.