

And things.


Section One: AugNoWriMo

AugNoWriMo. Is a thing. Which I am doing. This thing. It's a fun thing. It's a thing that you should do, too. Next year. Or this year. Soon. And then forever. Never stop writing.

Section Two: DashCon/Cosplay

Okay, I don't know what happened with Section One but it's typed out now and I'm not changing it.


I'm thinking about my cosplay list for DashCon. I mean, I'm getting Ryo into different fandoms so I wonder if we'll wind up messing with the line up a little. Right now I'm going as Dee Laytner (the first day), fem!Dee (the second day), and Drake (the last day). I want to keep Dee in my line up, whatever else I might do but I kind of want to throw Touko Fukawa from 'Dangan Ronpa' and/or Cecil from 'Welcome to Night Vale' in there somewhere. 'Course, I'll be at Dash Prom in Cecil cosplay anyway... I don't know, I'm just rambling.

Section Three: There is no Section Three. There never was a Section Three. Move along.

That's about the extent of it. Oh, and I watched 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' a while ago. Weird video. Really interesting if you think about the deeper meaning but still really weird.

So, yeah. I'm alive, I'm just trying to get back into writing and I kind of suck at updating things.