
A Light But Relentless Drizzle of Anchovies

That describes my day just about perfectly. If it had started raining anchovies, I would not have been surprised. In fact, I'm pretty sure I would have simply sighed and gone to find an umbrella.

Weirdness incarnate.

Let's go down the list:

1) Woke up six hours early because I thought I could work and actually do something useful. Couldn't focus and wound up writing camerashipping. I woke up six hours early to write camerashipping. (It's a fandom thing, if you couldn't guess by my usual level of geekiness.)

2) Found a confession in my tumblr inbox. "So for a little while now I’ve had a crush on you, and I mean an actual crush". It was a long message. And I'm embarrassed for a few reasons: First off, because I didn't actually know. I am, like, BBC Sherlock-level bad at picking up on emotions, especially anything to do with love. My mother guessed it way before I had any idea. Secondly, the person felt like they were annoying me by telling me and I just find that super sad. Worst part is I sort of have what they call a 'squish' on them - which is basically the asexual version of a crush. Awkward all over.

3) I got a 93 on my math final. So that's good.

4) I saw a guy from my CPR class and he stopped me outside and asked me what was on the final (since he failed the class last time. Somehow.) Then we talked about Monster High (because I have a shirt from it and his oldest daughter has some wristbands from it, apparently).

5) Oh, and I got smiled at by some guy because I held a door for him.

So yeah, most of today has been one long 'WTF is going on with my life' moment.