
Touch Screen, Bitches~!

I have a new laptop. This new laptop has a touch screen. I am tickled what must be a very pretty shade of pink by this fact.

A lot of hassle went into getting this thing. There was yelling. Not from anyone I knew and not about computers but there was still yelling. Some... individual outside of Wal-Mart (which I don't honestly like at all but I needed a new computer) basically told my mum and I to "get out of my country if you don't care what happens to it" when we said we weren't registered voters. I thought about turning around and saying, "I'm Canadian" just to see what he'd do but I don't think that would have solved much. So that was a thing.

But anyway... I've been hanging around and watching the Seattle Mariners play so that's been helping. I'm slowly getting things set up and changed over (and I think Miles has a laptop like this, come to think of it. Anyway...)

I'll be fighting that little bit of learning curve that comes with changing word processors while attempting Camp Nanowrimo this month. Also, editing/ghost writing/I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing but I'm helping.

So yeah, that's really all the news right now: touch screen, people are weird, learning curves, Camp Nanowrimo.

Right now I'm going to go relax and probably take a shower and then try to write. We're having dinner with my grandparents tomorrow so I'm not sure how much I'll get done at their house.

Anyway, I hope you're all having a good day/night/week/whatever and I will see you all soon.