
So Being Sick Kind of Sucks

I have stopped coughing every two seconds. I am now sneezing every two minutes. Joy.

This is very annoying considering I have an eye appointment tomorrow which is about an hour away from where I actually live and I really do not care about going but at least it's just a check-up and not another surgery. Could be worse.

I also have things I need to write and things I need to edit and that's just not gonna happen right now. Which is irritating because I actually want to work, I just can't seem to focus (or stop sniffling) for long enough to get much of anything done.

So that's been the update for today. We're on day three of this stupid thing and I'm really hoping that this'll be about the end of it. I'm gonna sit around and maybe type out a few sentences that I can rewrite into something presentable later.

Wish me luck... and cough drops.