
New Theme

And just so you know, the small buttons at the bottom of the side panel there? They don't work right now. I'll probably figure them out later but for right now, they're fine as they are. I love Victorian stuff, guys, so this is really pretty to me.

Writing is slowly being fun again, so that's something good. Well, aside from the fact that I have no f-ing idea what I'm doing. But that's not something I should be focused on now, right? Right.

I think for the rest of the month I'll work on what I can when I can - meaning, I'll go through paragraph by paragraph and edit (and then get the other two chapters and the outline done) while I'm bouncing back and forth with other projects. I know that seems a little counter-productive but I've found I actually get more done when I'm multitasking.

Editing really means Rewriting this month. So I'm struggling a little with that. I've noticed that writing in first person is way easier for me but some stories that I want to do wouldn't work well with a single narrator. So that's going to be fun. All a writing exercise though, I guess.

YouTube changed and now it's weird. I don't have a search bar on anything but the first page and that first page is pretty much a cluttered mess. So I'm not exactly happy with it. But (much like losing the nose piece on one side of my glasses or not being sure if you want to shop around or go with your 'agent on retainer' as it were) it's a first world problem.

So yeah. There's your update. Hope you enjoyed it since it's pretty positive overall.