I need to:
- get my ideas in order
- catch the hell up on NaNo
- stop being such a lonely puppy
So... what I'm going to do is push my word count a little higher and then curl up and read for a while.
I have a mattress-topper now (random) and I can actually, you know, sleep since it feels like a bed and not just a piece of fabric stretched over spring-coils. (It wasn't as bad as all that but still...)
NaNo is actually moving ahead. Isaac started the book by getting mauled by a wolf but he's better now so that's okay. It's been an experience on the forums too... people have been awesome, one person has ticked me off and overall it's been fun. I'd be getting a little more of the experience if I were actually going to the Write-Ins and all that but for this year, I'm fine with the forums I think.
I don't actually have a lot to say, I just wanted to assure you all that I am, in fact, not dead. I'm just very, very busy. Oh, and I get to take stuff down to the coffee shop for a craft festival tomorrow. That should be fun. I hope.
Oh and I got to spazz a little while ago because @WriterMichiBeck followed me on Twitter. *spazzing*
Seriously, that was about all I had for this one ^^;
Bye, guys. I will jump back on here when something else interesting happens.
*curls up* *means to work* *snore*