

This was an ordeal. Not that it wasn't fun. It was insanely fun. But it was an ordeal.

And, for an awful few minutes this morning, I wondered if my keyboard was dead. No matter what keys I hit nothing worked. It's fine now (obviously) but it was scary.

In case you were wondering, I was spending time with my aunts these past two weeks and that's why I wasn't here. They're fun but they can be really tiring. They left for the airport a few hours ago and it's so quiet now. Weird. BUT. I don't have to sleep on a cot in the living room anymore!

So I'm working on getting some ideas fleshed out and I have a book to edit in December. That's the main project, since I can get the first three chapters and the outline done fairly quick if I'm on my game. I'd really like to make a run at this author thing come the new year. It sounds fun~

December also marks the kick off of GothNoWriYe and the Ink-Slinger's Ball. Party month! (Seriously, the people I meet are awesome.)

What else? Oh, yeah. I won NaNo! And I feel awesome (so much so that I know I'm over-using the word awesome and I don't actually care). It was late so I didn't have anyone awake to celebrate with me but that's okay. I managed to spell 'Arachnodactyly' right on the first try so I'm happy.

Now I can consult with my editorial fox Vulpes (and possibly Lord Emostabe) for editing. Yes, they have names. Deal with it. >.>

I think that's it so until something else Earth-shattering happens, bye for now guys~


I'm not dead!

But I'm very tired.

I have family over and that means it's six of us and four cats crammed into this house. I'm sleeping on a cot in the living room and Mum is sleeping on the couch. I wake up with cat hair all over me, I get distracted all the time by laughing and chatter, my appetite is way down... and I'm pretty happy about it all ^^

I have Grandma's two sisters in from Ohio and they've taken over mine and Mum's room so we're sleeping in the living room. They're loud and happy and I can tell they're all glad to see each other.

We managed to hide the fact that the other sister (Annie) was coming so Grandma was surprised... to say the least. She shuffled up behind the sister she knew was coming (Beth) and Grandma didn't even see her until she was standing right in front of her. Then it was something along the lines of 'asdfksdjHI!' and then her trying to be angry: 'You do this to me every time!' (since we tricked her last year too) and we all got to laugh and hug and be happy.

So they've been here for a couple days and we're all starting to adjust. They'll be here for about two weeks.

So that's where I'll be for a while.

NaNoWriMo, meanwhile, is... borked. I can catch up, of course. I'm not too worried about that. But I accidentally my word count >.>

And it's worse that I have so many ideas because I'm supposed to be working on one thing. Like, I don't need to be writing about Tiger and Bunny 'Behind the Scenes' like they're all actors. (Even though the thought of Yuri Petrov's actor being very ill and them not being sure he would be able to take the role as 'Lunatic' due to the physical demands of the role and then him showing up with Keith at the airport and getting a bear hug from the very happy Tiger is really awesome to me.)

So yeah... I'm going to go back to work for a while so I don't wind up scrambling so hard at the end. I'm still alive, though, I'm just very busy.


Okay... so...

I need to:

- get my ideas in order
- catch the hell up on NaNo
- stop being such a lonely puppy

So... what I'm going to do is push my word count a little higher and then curl up and read for a while.


I have a mattress-topper now (random) and I can actually, you know, sleep since it feels like a bed and not just a piece of fabric stretched over spring-coils. (It wasn't as bad as all that but still...)

NaNo is actually moving ahead. Isaac started the book by getting mauled by a wolf but he's better now so that's okay. It's been an experience on the forums too... people have been awesome, one person has ticked me off and overall it's been fun. I'd be getting a little more of the experience if I were actually going to the Write-Ins and all that but for this year, I'm fine with the forums I think.

I don't actually have a lot to say, I just wanted to assure you all that I am, in fact, not dead. I'm just very, very busy. Oh, and I get to take stuff down to the coffee shop for a craft festival tomorrow. That should be fun. I hope.

Oh and I got to spazz a little while ago because @WriterMichiBeck followed me on Twitter. *spazzing*

Seriously, that was about all I had for this one ^^;

Bye, guys. I will jump back on here when something else interesting happens.

*curls up* *means to work* *snore*



Good morning guys, it's Tuesday, November 1st which means it's the first day of NaNoWriMo!

As I type I'm sitting at my kitchen table with a veggie biscuit and thinking about my writing. As boring as that sounds, it's actually quite awesome as it's giving me a chance to come up with opening lines and think about projects I may be able to dump on my roommate.

Strangely enough, I'm not insanely amped like I was worried I'd be. Granted it's really early yet so that might change. Anyway...

There seems to a lot of tension around. There's just a lot of low-grade anger in the room. I can't really explain it. Also, my computer's doing that thing where I have to keep moving the mouse for the page to load. Annoying.

I'm clicking through the Aboptables forum on NaNo and looking for a kick-start. After writing around 13k yesterday, I'm a little... um... yeah that. Where your words aren't, um... good anymore?

Actually, I'm doing fairly well, all things considered. I actually like what I have on the page right now so that's reassuring. It has taken me all day of bouncing back and forth to write this post and for some reason, I've very tired right now. I think what I'll wind up doing is maybe eating something and then just going to bed. Everything's on my nerves right now.

You know what I actually want? Pasta. I don't know why, but pasta.

I wound up using the lid of my clothes hamper for storing my flower pens. It was an interesting solution, to say the least. I also have a lot of cupcakes to make still. And possibly cookies, if I'm not too drug out by then.

So that's were my life's at. And I'm going to go back to it now. Yeah.


See ya~