
Gentlemen...Behold! (or UPDATE OF POINTLESSNESS)

An Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference!

Seriously, behold: Milestone on Amazon.

*for simplicity's sake, the wall of unintelligible spazzing has been removed. The keyboard is recovering in a local repair shop after an attack of projectile vomiting.*

In other news... I am a horrible person. Now let me explain that. I say that jokingly because I just realised that pretty much every story has had some horrible crime committed in it. Here's the current list (not all from the same story, obviously) :

Theft, Motor vehicle theft, Assault, Assaulting an officer, Felony battery, Criminal mischief, Disorderly conduct, Stalking, Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Prostitution, Drug trafficking, Rape, Unlawful hacking, Hacking into a government database, Conspiracy, Sedition, Murder in the first and second degree, Serial murder, Torture, Treason, Carrying illegal weapons, Crossing territories without authorisation, Preforming illegal experiments, Practicing medicine without a license (or with an expired/invalid license) and Cannibalism.

I am a horrible person. But in a sense that's a good thing for a writer to be. It makes for an interesting story, if nothing else. Of course, this list is nowhere near complete, I'm sure, but it's good enough for now.

Also, I'm sorry about disappearing like that. I'm just flat-out bad about updating things ^^; I kind of need someone to staple an update schedule to my forehead or something. But don't actually do that. Because that would be very painful.

Thank you,

Did I lose track of where I was going with all that? I most certainly did.

Back on topic, I'm panicking over SeptNo. I'm not even at 20k as of this writing. And that needs to be fixed, like now. Problem is that my brain won't stop spewing out other ideas. I'm glad for them, sure but it means I'm not getting anything done on SeptNo and that stresses me out. On the upside, the crochet cupcakes are coming along a lot faster than I thought they would. This is making me happy. I can't even see like half of my desk thanks to all the baking cups.

I, right now, am going to type until I'm some degree of caught up. Cole is frustrating me and Morgan is keeping secrets so this could get interesting. I shall return... some day. Before the end of the month. With cupcakes. *rolls away*



is the word I use to describe this.

That, my friends, is the AugNoWriMo 2011 Anthology up for sale on CreateSpace. And I'm in it.

So, as I said before, W00T~! (And it should also be up on Amazon in 1-2 weeks.)

I am insanely nervous. I know it's not really that big of a deal but it's still awesome so I'm still going to spazz about it. A lot. In my head so I don't annoy you all.

*spazz dance*




I really need to get back on my writing (and craft making) but between playing around on icanhazcheezburger, changing the Firefox theme, playing with add-ons, playing on forums and listening to music, I just don't know when I'll find the time.

Yeah. You're not buying that either, huh?

Okay. Here's manly what distracted me. There is a company called 'neurowear'. They make awesome things. Like, sci-fi awesome things. One awesome thing is these motorised cat ears on a headband. What makes these so awesome is that the little plastic(?) bit that rests against your forehead reads the neural activity in your brain and that tells the ears what to do (like, lie down when you're relaxed, stand up when you're concentrating, etc.).

It's just this awesome blend of fashion, technology and communication ^^ Here's a video.

Isn't she cute? Plus the ears look so adorable~ I think this is the kind of thing I'd wear all the time just for the awesome factor! /nerdgasm



In other still-awesome-but-not-quite-so-awesome news, my doughnuts are almost done! *dances* And I've started listening to psychology lectures on UC Berkeley's YouTube channel. Time for psychologically damaged characters! (Wow, there's a lot of protein and awesome stuff in a soy burger - WOO!) *skips away, bouncy and plotting how to make enough money to get cat ears*


Just posted...have to post again...

I want to go the Night of Writing Dangerously so much this year that it's causing me physical pain and several tears. I'm almost crying right now... That's probably not healthy. But it looks so fun...such an adventure.

I really just had to post to get that out. We'll be in a lot of chaos with the move coming up and unless I drag my mother along (which I couldn't/wouldn't do because she doesn't fly) I'd have to go by myself. All the way to San Fransisco. When I've never travelled before. Granted, there are people around here and I could probably find someone to go with but I know they'd all worry.

It's probably stupid to want to go so badly...but I can't really explain why it seems to mean so much. I think it might be that the news came down today, when I've already been kind of sensitive. My birthday's next month. I'm not sure why that's such a big deal but something about that fact has been on my mind for the last few hours. We have a good day planned, I have gifts to beg for and all in all I think it'll be fun. So why do I feel almost afraid?

I did it... I did it! *insane laughter*

And here is the reason I've been MIA for a few days: I just wrote 100,000 words in thirty-one days. And I get to be in Milestone this year. *squee!*

As such I'm a little insane at the moment. That should clear up to tolerable levels within the next few days, though. I'm also really ADD right now so this post is probably going to take me a few hours to get through.

I think I broke my ear buds...again. I need to just stop using them since I can never keep them intact for some reason. I need to write (or at least edit) but I keep getting sidetracked by anime and Slenderman stuff. It's sparking all kinds of ideas in my little caffeine-addled brain.

Also, Maureen Johnson is on my list of authors to read now.

And I'm totally rambling when I need to be working. Oh, well. To my renamed version of Word! *runs away*