
Strange Facts and Useless Information 2: Electric Boogaloo

Today's strange fact is: Doug Jones' BMI is calculated to be 17.9, based on the facts I've found. That's about five pounds underweight but he looks/is awesome so meh.

Now, on to the 'Useless Information' section of the post:

I am not drunk (let's just get that out of the way now) but I did have a glass of wine just a little while ago so... yeah...

Mum and I stayed up too late talking about gay guys (well, gay characters, but still).

It's kind of funny actually because I was writing a little of the idea we were kicking around and one of the guys is kinda like:

and the other's kinda nerdy and awkward so he's all like:

And because I am a serious author, I find this both endearing and hilarious.

This should also sufficiently explain why I'm up at two in the morning writing about cute gay guys.

. . .

Whatdaya mean,  'it doesn't'?


Bottom line, I have two ghost-written books and three of my own that I really want to get finished and soon. If I can do that and lose about 32 pounds, I'll be pretty damn happy.

This was kind of a filler post while I get my thoughts and junk organised for a better one, probably about DashCon and the train trips and all that. So, you know, enjoy.

I'm about to fall asleep so...

Until next time (which is hopefully pretty soon), everyone~