
A Lot of Things

I took a long trip on a big metal train. I met a lot of wonderful people - like an engineer and his wife, and a female trucker, the publisher of an arts magazine, and a very lovely French woman who we talked with about comic books with for a while. I went to a list of places. Many of these places were very, very good. Like King Street Station in Seattle.

King Street Station is a beautiful place.

It is a big building, refinished to look very amazing inside, much like you would had you actually taken the time to do that 'me' work you always talk about.

We were there for a while, eating chips and drinking water and waiting for a new train to show up. This new train had a dining car and you could even sleep on it~! How fun <3

There's also the hotel which was a beautiful place both inside and out - like the ex-girlfriend that you walked all over years ago in your self-centered haze. For shame, Reader. For shame.


I met the people from 'Welcome to Night Vale'.

They were, all three of them, very sweet and even signed a Khoshekh pencil case I acquired in the Artist's Alley. Jeffery Cranor filled in my 'Interests' for me.


After this, there was a period of not much happening, aside from a ruined prom that turned out to be not so ruined after all.

The next day was taken up by talking, buying things, and then by a concert by the lovely Time Crash (who I suggest you listen to, on repeat and very loudly).

This is the guiTARDIS. It is a wonderful, whimsical invention.

During said concert, I met an actor.

His name is Doug Jones. He is a total sweetheart. He showed up and danced and let people take pictures with him, which was a little amazing considering he had his own panel/meet and greet earlier in the day, which I believe was a ticketed event.

This was all followed by room service.

It was very expensive and very good.

And I have spent the days since we got back starting at my collection of buttons and books (all of them signed) and catching up on 'Welcome to Night Vale', which is getting very amazing, too.

I also met my best friend/partner in crime of the past two years, which was just so... *HAPPY SCREAMS*, you know?

I'm going to make a proper post about the things that happened (and probably take a bunch of pictures of all the stuff I got) once I've gotten my life back into some degree of order. For now, be content with the knowledge that it was an amazing time in spite of the unadulterated fustercluckery that always accompanies a first convention.
