
So Being Sick Kind of Sucks

I have stopped coughing every two seconds. I am now sneezing every two minutes. Joy.

This is very annoying considering I have an eye appointment tomorrow which is about an hour away from where I actually live and I really do not care about going but at least it's just a check-up and not another surgery. Could be worse.

I also have things I need to write and things I need to edit and that's just not gonna happen right now. Which is irritating because I actually want to work, I just can't seem to focus (or stop sniffling) for long enough to get much of anything done.

So that's been the update for today. We're on day three of this stupid thing and I'm really hoping that this'll be about the end of it. I'm gonna sit around and maybe type out a few sentences that I can rewrite into something presentable later.

Wish me luck... and cough drops.


I Live!

Things were rough this quarter. Like, stupidly rough. But it's over now and I am very, very glad for that.

I fixed up the blog and I'm debating:
  1. Going back to Nano for motivation and stuff (probably will)
  2. Putting up a little fan-story collection site (with Weebly, probably - nothing fancy)
  3. Maybe working on fan novels as practice
  4. and what original stuff I should be offering for free and for how long
So, it's a lower-key, different kind of stress this time. Better. A lot better. This is the kind of stress I can deal with.

That's really all this post was about: I survived the quarter and am not dead. I will be returning to writing shortly and then commence with figuring my life out a little more. I feel like it's probably getting about time for that.

I sort of want to be one of those sort of subversive creativity artists, ya know? The ones who consistently give no fucks about social conventions and do what they want, all the while making people think and learn and grow and explore. I can't say that's a bad goal to have.

Anyway, it's late right now and I should probably get to sleep here pretty soon. I have stories to start and stories to try to finish and none of that is getting done when I'm this tired.

I'm trying to get back into WriYe (because, let's face it, it was great for motivation when I actually kept up with it) so I should be doing a little more once I've sort of... recovered from the mess that this quarter was.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/whatever-the-hell-time-it-is-where-you-are and I will hopefully check in again soon.


Creepy Crap and Gay Stuff

Also known as 'Everything I ever write, ever'.

Presented for your consideration:
RP Blog One [Trager]: The 'doctor' is psycho-crazy-bonkers and currently has a sort of serial-killer crush on the reporter (though, I do feel I can blame another Trager-blogger for that one, at least partially).
RP Blog Two [Miles]: Not as active in general (because mental trauma and also because the fandom is just really quiet right now - we're all waiting for the DLC to come out) but I play him as bisexual because why not?
Original Project One: Dystopian world where everyone is happy and healthy. And so the 'rebellious' side of the population often walks headfirst into 'dangerous' books, movies, behaviours, etc. [Creepy.]
Original Project Two: Vampire Sherlock Holmes in New York City. [Creepy and kind of gay]
Original Project Three: Lesbians and Latin. That's... about all that story is. [Hella gay]
Original Project Four: Cyberpunk assassin, psychological manipulation and amnesia barriers based loosely off of MK ULTRA and similar projects, and wars between technologically advanced, augment-producing mega-corporations. [Super creepy and still kind of gay]

So that's apparently where my talent lies: bickering lesbians, snarky gay guys, and an assortment of non-gender-conforming individuals fighting monsters.


Also, stripes everywhere!

I don't know what it means but I have been seeing so many stripes lately, either black and white or black and grey. Maybe it just means that the best things are to be found between the lines - and that I should be writing. Most things mean that I should be writing. Because I should, say it with me: be writing.

You didn't say it with me.

Anyway, I'm doing slightly better in chem, my algebra grade has come up, my Latin grade is still an A, my earth science grade is an A, and Phys Ed is freaking easy so, yeah, passing that too. The quarter could have been worse, I'm sure. And I only have about two full weeks left. Joy~!

I do seriously need to start writing again. It's starting to bother be that I haven't even finished a fan-fic in a while (and those don't usually take me long at all). Huh. I should fix that. Maybe it'll get me back into writing things again.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a nice day/evening/night/whatever and I'll check in again when I (hopefully) have something more interesting to say. Or when I've made something cool in GIMP that I feel the overwhelming need to share. 'Cause that's very possible too.