
This is easier than I'm making it.

Like so much of my life.

I have:
- Algebra to study (it's easier than I thought it was, I just wasn't using all my tools)
- RP replies to do (seriously, I've been sitting on a lot of them because of school and what appears to be depression. So that's really fun. And someone checked in with my Trager blog and said the following: [That's what I figured, just wanted to check in anywaaay. Even if I'm too shy to make any decent RP attempts, I'm a big fan of your character portrayal and I hope you can kick those lame life problems right in the butt! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ])
- Writing to do (NaNoWriMo waits for no gender non-conforming individual.)
- 'Outlast' fics to do (some people like what I write. Who knew?)

And really, that's about it for what 'has' to be done, at least for the next little while. How hard is that? (Answer: It isn't.) So, yeah. I'm making this a lot harder than it ever needs to be. And you know what the worst part is? I'm aware of it.

In fact, I'm aware of a lot of things. Huh.

Also, the trip for DashCon is booked so *SCREAMS*

So yeah, that's about where all that is. I do sometimes wonder if it's legit depression. I wouldn't be surprised... That and my weight and the length of my nails. Those are problems for me too.

But anywho... I'm not where where I'm going with any of this other than 'I'm not dead, I'm just kind of sad.' and 'I really hope this gets better soon because it's really freaking annoying'. And I will see you all again sometime before the end of the month.