
Anatomy of a May WriMo

Step 1: Feel excited about having a new project. Complete first chapter.

Step 2: Forget about project. Work on non-wrimo things. Be excited about up-ing your yearly word count. Almost remember project.

Step three: Wait until the 15th before you remember the project. Feel guilty and depressed. Realise just how far behind you are. Panic. Try to write but fail. Feel depressed.

Step 4: Go to the kitchen and realise you're hungry. Make a sandwich. Forget about project.

Step 5: Finish sandwich. Play with refrigerator magnets. Notice you have to pee. Go to bathroom.

Step 6: Go back to your room. Still don't remember project. Work on website.

Step 7: Almost remember project. Play with livejournal community. Think that you need stories for said community. Remember project.

Step 8: Panic. Figure up word count and panic more.

Step 9: Calm down. Start writing and feel better. Start working on other stories. Forget about project.

Step 10: Remember project and start writing again. Get closer to caught up. Get severe headache and start to shake.

Step 11: Spend the next day drooling and shaking uncontrollably. Wonder if you're dying.

Step 12: Feel better. Resolve to win even if it kills you. Be paranoid it will kill you. Write anyway.

Step 13: Stay up all night and completely screw your sleep schedule. Start thinking about vampires. See title in adoption thread on forum. Have 'OMGMUSTWRITE!!!' moment about it and write three pages of the outline before you remember you should be working on something else.

Step 14: Ignore project. Change livejournal community to something else. Realise you have a series and start to plan. Get more ideas. Change livejournal community again. Have idea for first short story. Write down title. Work on other outlines.

Step 15: Get headache. Work on website. Work on livejournal community. Remember you should still be blogging. Get up to pee about 14 times. Write sporadically.

Step 16: Be paranoid that people think you're a druggie/whore/vampire/vampire druggie/vampire whore. Realise a psychologist would have a field day with your latest series idea. Realise a psychologist would have a field day with anything you write. Be happy about that.

Step 17: Work on new idea instead of project. Insist on giving male vampires goth girl names like 'Amberlyn'. Decide that Amberlyn is one of your coolest characters. Suddenly want to grow your hair long and dye it blood red. Contemplate how to get the money to do this. Realise you could sell books. Remember project and panic.

Step 18: Write all day. Get mostly caught up and feel better. Get distracted and start playing with fonts.

Step 19: Decide that writing bite scenes is hard (though fun) and go back to project. Decide writing MtF transsexuals is fun. Mentally thank friend for giving you this story.

Step 20: Mentally curse friend for giving you this story. Get a headache again. Go work on website.

Step 21: Play on forums so you don't forget about project. Don't work on project because you're playing on forums.

Step 22: Listen to 'Super Psycho Love' on repeat. Imagine Daniel and Alexander from Amnesia: The Dark Descent singing it in a duet (since it was originally Daniel's) at the Twisted Records music awards show. Enjoy the image. Consider writing a story for it. Remember you're behind on your word count. Panic and listen to song to calm down.

Step 23: Work on project. Get distracted and work on short story. Write two sentences. Get distracted and go back to project. Complain to family about neck ache.

Step 24: Alternate between working and making a list. Get bored with both and watch Let's Plays on YouTube.

Step 25: Start Google-ing random things. Get bored and rename your desktop icons (Microsoft Word is now 'WriteFire'. WriteFire is better). Change your desktop background. Eat candy and try to do something productive.

Step 26: Feel important for no reason at all. Remember that you have no money and get depressed. Remember that you can write and get happy about it.

Step 27: Look at your WriMo list. Realise that this ordeal will either kill you or make you famous.

Step 28: Listen to your Mirro Player for an obscene amount of time. Realise that you haven't refilled your prescription. Weigh the cons and pros of stopping work to go refill said prescription.

Step 29: Beg friend to drive you to the pharmacy. Go to pharmacy, get prescription refilled, come back and panic because you should've been writing.

Step 30: Buckle down and win with a 'come-from-behind victory'