
Lord, Lord, that greed, it'll kill ya!

And that title, while very true, has precious little to do with the rest of this post.

So... it's been a while.

A lot's been going on, honestly. Plus I just haven't had a lot to say.

I've made some life decisions, both in terms of writing and in terms of... well, general life, and I'm currently sitting here at about 12:30 thinking over these changes and whether or not I have a deep, gut-feeling kind of problem with any of them.

And honestly? No.

And that seems a little odd to me, but I also don't want to over-think and talk myself out of doing something that could be really fun and freeing, and maybe even do some good in some way? I mean, stranger things have happened.

For those wondering, I'm talking about officially including erotica in my writing rotation. I sort of feel like I 'should' have a problem with it from a religious standpoint, but I don't have that deep down, gut-reaction 'don't get on the plane' feeling about writing stuff like that, and I would expect that I would. Or at least a hint of it.

I don't know. I mean, I'll take some time here soon and think it through just to be sure. You know, like actually pray about it and about my life direction in general, like I do with ... Well, I was going to say like I do with all major life decisions but I'm having a hard time remembering when I've made any proper major life decisions in past. Like, ones that I actually intended to do something about. I'm not sure there have really been any. I've always kind of just... done things because they were there to do. That's why I went to college, at least. Seemed like the thing to do.


Maybe the depression is finally lifting a bit? *knocks on anything even resembling wood*

Either way, I really do need to jump in on my own writing. I'm finding it more and more difficult to believe that I still don't have a book out there. Like, at least one. Not the right time, I guess.

For the immediate future, I think I'm going to go try to finish writing a chapter of this ghost-writing project I've got, and then maybe read 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'.

Thing's will work out, just the way they're supposed to. I don't doubt that I'm a writer - now it's just a matter of pinning down what I'm writing. It's all under control ^w^

(I actually... want to go to church again. And that's odd because being around my father kind of soured me on the whole 'church-goer' thing for a while. I mean, I want to find one where I don't feel like I'm being looked down on for being honest about myself, but if I can find one like that, it'd be nice to go again.)

Until next time, then~
