
I WON~!!

I double won!! 8D

NaNoEdMo - 100.1%
MarNoWriMo - 22,705 / 20,000

I should be able to throw a chapter or two up on my dA account soon, so be ready for that ^^ (Also, is anyone else having problems with the EdMo site? I'm not getting the 'Winner's stuff' tab under 'My EdMo' yet...)

Congrats to everyone who finished and Good job anyway to those who didn't. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go fall on my face.


NaNoEdMo and MarNoWriMo

NaNoEdMo: 48.6%

MarNoWriMo: 14,345 / 20,000

So things are actually going decently. For once. Oh, and Karen begged me to take 'Slayers International' as my Script Frenzy project...and I said 'yes'. So there's something else to look forward to.

For the record, yes, I will be doing Script Frenzy this year along with everything else I have to do. But that's okay.

I'll try to update a little more often once I get my schedule straightened around. Again.

Bye, bye DEATH~ (Kuro-Geek coming through there...>.>)


Yes. It's finally here.

You may applaud.

Since this is my personal blog, I may spazz and/or rant at you occasionally. This is normal. There is no need to adjust my medication or tighten the straps.

Just so you all understand if I don't post much here...I'm so far into the Crazy Club, I can't even see the door I came in.

Here's my current list (will add titles when I get them figured out):

March: (NaNoEdMo)
April: (April Fools) Slashelçon/20,000
May: (MayNoWriMo) []/35,000
June: (WriDaNoJu) []/50,000
July: (JulNoWriMo) Alex In Wonderland/50,000
August: (AugNoWriMo) []/40,000
September: (SeptNoWriMo) []/35,000
October: (GothNoWriMo and SciFiWriMo) []/20,000 and Scan/20,000
November: (NaNoWriMo) []/50,000

Anyone else running themselves ragged? ^^;